COMING TO JOHNRIHERD.COM: Because of a few requests I’ve received lately and because I’ve been meaning to for some time, I intend to add a new section to the website dedicated to my photography. Once again I’ll be offering prints for sale, although on a more limited basis than I did on my now-defunct photography website.
Welcome to my website. On here you will find links to places where you can buy my books, including a personally inscribed and signed copy of any of my books. Click on “Store” in the menu above or, if you’re ready, just click here.
For a sneak peek at the first chapters of published books and books in progress click on the menu link: “Books.”
This website includes my blog where I write about a variety of things. I invite your participation by leaving comments or sending me a message. Click on “Blog” in the menu.
If I schedule a book signing or other event, it will be noted on this website.
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You can also come visit me on my writers page on Facebook. You can click here. I am on Twitter as @riherdcreates.
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